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There is a rich history of psilocybin use, possibly first recorded in 10,000 B.C. Archaeologists found cave paintings referring to magic mushrooms in northern Australia. We may never know when the people tried the drug, but we do know that North American European descendants only started using shrooms in the 20th century.

In 1955, amateur scientist R. Gordon Wasson travelled to Mexico with his wife and a few friends. They became the first outsiders invited to the religious ceremony of the indigenous Mazatecs. Wasson brought magic mushrooms home to New York City and began his experiments.

Wasson published a piece in Life magazine about his experiences with mushrooms and their journey with the Mazatec tribe. “As the ritual proceeded, Wasson lost himself in wonderous flights of fancy in which moved him to say afterward, ‘for the first time the word ecstasy took on a real meaning.’” With this magazine’s publishing, the world of psychedelic mushrooms exploded in the United States and Canada. Three years later, the Harvard Psilocybin Project began with two psychologists, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert. The focus of the study was to see how the drug interacted with the subject’s perception, emotion, and cognition.

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Denis Zakerburg

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"I was really impressed with the depth of information on this website. I learned a lot about the history of psychedelics, their potential therapeutic benefits, and the risks involved in using them. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone who is interested in learning more about this fascinating topic."

Robert Anyino

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"This website is a great resource for finding safe and legal ways to experience psychedelics. The website provides information on different types of psychedelics, how to use them safely, and where to find them. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone who is interested in trying psychedelics."

Mehmet Parblo

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"This website is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about psychedelics. The information is well-written and easy to understand, and the website is full of helpful resources, such as articles, videos, and even a forum where you can connect with other people who are interested in psychedelics."